Local News

A bright future for the LibDems pt. 2
We started 2024 with 15 LibDem MPs. We finished up with 72, the highest total for a 3rd party for 100 years.

Lettuce be heard
A satirical letter from a lettuce to the UK (AI generated image)

Conservative MP voted against plan to keep abusers and murderers locked up
Last week, Ruislip, Northwood and Pinner MP David Simmonds voted against exempting 6 more offences from early prison release - including breaching stalking protection orders and sexual harm prevention orders, revenge porn, and even murder.

Carers Rights Day, everyday!
Know your rights as a carer. LibDems fight for you every step of the way! ✊🧡

Parking misery around former Kodak factory
Developments in Eastman Village, the former site of the Kodak factory, have not had appropriate vehicle parking plan which means that local residents see increased parking pressure in nearby streets. Now Harrow Council is consulting on charging residents.
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Meet Ed Davey
Leader of the Liberal Democrats
Ed Davey is a husband, a father and a carer. He is the Leader of the Liberal Democrats.
It is Ed’s experience of caring that drives much of his politics, and motivates his tireless campaigning for a fair deal.
Learn more about Ed
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